Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Wellcome Bulgaria & Romenia

The European Union finally has the presence of Romenia and Bulgaria, this countires were suposed to join EU in the last enlargment, when the other 10 states, this two were left behind.

Now, they join to the European Family, with some, but i'm a positive person, We will get trought this bad fase in the European construction.

Now in january Germany has the European Presidency, the biggest goal is the discussion about the European Constitution, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia made a joined 18 month plan

More than wanting to see the old european engines pulling the carruages, i'd like to see 27jacts scraping the skies and rising the European spirit world wide.

I hope that all the European Citizens, won't let their governments crack up to the nationalists pressures and agendas and make this Union the Utopic Social one that we all want. :D

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